Sister Clare’s Prayer

This is the second mural in Derry to Sister Clare Crockett. The first was in her Brandywell home (see All Or Northing!) while this one is in Shantallow. Crockett became a nun in 2001 and died at the age of 33 in an earthquake in Ecuador in 2016 – the mass for the seventh anniversary of her death was held last month (youtube).

A documentary film about Crockett’s life is available on youtube.

Painted by Razer (ig) in Racecourse Road, Shantallow, Derry.

Click image to enlarge
Copyright © 2023 Andy McDonagh/Eclipso Pictures (ig | Fb)
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“Sr Clare Crockett was born in Derry 14th November 1982. The daughter of Gerard and Margaret Crockett. During a Holy Week Retreat in Spain in the year 2000 she experienced the intensity of the Lord’s Death and Resurrection that led to a deep conversion of her life. Sr Clare entered the Servant Sisters of the House of the Mother 11th August 2001. She went to found a new community in Jacksonville, Florida in October 2006. Sr Clare took Perpetual vows 8th September 2010. In 2014, Sr Clare undertook the mission in Ecuador. She died in an Earthquake, protecting her pupils 16th April 2016. She was buried in Derry 2nd May 2016.”

“Heavenly Father, for your Glory, that or [of] your beloved Son, that of the Holy Spirit and that of the Mother Of God, we ask that grant us the grace (mention your request in the silence of your heart) … as a sign that the life of our Sister Clare Theresa Crockett has been pleasing to you on this earth and that she is now rejoincing with you in Heaven. We ask this through your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

6 thoughts on “Sister Clare’s Prayer

  1. Andrew 2023-07-05 / 11:15 pm

    Pray for me and my family members

  2. Hilary Twyford 2023-08-06 / 8:23 am

    Please pray for the conversion for my sister Pauline Patterson

  3. Anonymous 2023-09-04 / 10:58 pm

    Please pray for my daughters return to the Catholic Church.

  4. Anonymous 2024-03-01 / 7:51 pm

    Please give Helen peace and take away the anxiety that colours her everyday life ,I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen

  5. Anonymous 2024-03-13 / 2:53 pm

    pray for my brother struggling in university

  6. Anonymous 2024-06-09 / 5:28 am

    Sister Claire, please ask the Lord to heal my feet through your intercession and for His glory! TIA!

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