Voyage Of Discovery

All of the pieces shown here were produced in the summer of 2023 for Coleraine’s ‘Revitalise’ programme, co-ordinated by Michelle McGarvey (ig) for Causeway Coast & Glens borough council with funding by the Department Of Communities. They are on utility boxes and planters all over the town centre.

For some of the large pieces of street art in the town, including many produced for ‘Revitalise’, see Nook Of The Ferns. More information and images can be obtained from Causeway Coast & Glens borough council (press release | map).

The first four are from Marc Holmes’s (ig) Voyage Of Discovery series.

Five images of local wildlife by Claire McDowell of Bad Bird Crafts (ig)

Blackbird by Claire McDowell ?and Sarah MacKay?

Four views of the river Bann by Sarah Carrington (ig)

On the right is Bluebells At Mountsandel Forest by Sarah MacKay (web | ig) in Bellhouse Lane

Fish and flowers by Coleraine Youth Collective (secondary school students)

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