We Can Step In Anywhere And Turn Back The Clock

2015-08-02 FallsBlocksDetail+

Students from Coláıste Feırste took part in a Forbaırt Feırste (Fb) “pop-up art” project, designing plastic wrap for the installation of blocks at the old entrance to Beechmount leisure centre (see the wide shot immediately below). Taking its lead from a Ciarán Carson poem, the design features “a million wind-blown buttercups”, as well as the front page of Edward O’Reilly’s English-Irish dictionary (image , below). The piece was officially opened by Caral Ní Chuılín during Féıle An Phobaıl. Press release from NI ExecutiveSponsored by the Arts Council and Feırste Thıar.

2015-08-02 FallsBlocksFull+

2015-08-02 FallsBlocksCarsonGaeilge+

2015-08-02 FallsBlocksDictionary+

2015-07-28 FallsBlocksInfo+

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Copyright © 2015 Extramural Activity
X02710 X02712 X02709 X02711 X02707 an irish-english dictionary with copious quotations from the most esteemed ancient and modern writers to elucidate the meaning of obscure words and numerous comparisons of irish words with those of similar orthography sense or sound in the welsh and hebrew languages tá am gan teoraınn bogann sé sıar mar scáth ar an léarscaıl seo ach tríd an chuımhne tıg lınn bheıth ın áıt ar bıth san am atá caıte. tá mé ı bpıctıúrlann chluaın ard arís ag amharc ar the wizard of oz den chéad uaır arís eıle tá an gort os comhaır teach ard na bhfeá lán de na mıllıúın fearán séıdte cıarán carson time is a moving boundary drifting like cloud shadow westwards on this map but through memory we can step in anywhere and turn back the clock i’m in the clonard picture house again seeing the wizard of oz for the first time once more the field in front of beechmount house is trembling with a million wind-blown buttercups i ndíl [ndıl] cuımhne [chuımhne] [ar] ár gcomrádaí clive dutton ar aghaıgh onwards deirdre mackel deirdre robb arthur scott damien rea Robert Shipboy McAdam antiquorian and gaelic scholar 1808-1895 lived in a house on this site éıríonn teanga agus spreagann sí