Welcome To Extramural Activity

Thank you for visiting! Extramural Activity is …

(1) a map/database of the wall paintings in Northern Ireland/north-east Ireland. The database is accessed via the maps. There is one map showing all the wall paintings ever, and another showing only those that are currently visible.

(2) a collection of images and information about them. The collection of images is searchable using the tools in the side-bar. You can also scroll through the entries below — the newest works are at the top. If you want a feed of the latest art, “follow” us using one of the methods in the side-bar — a new entry is added (almost) every day.

(3) a set of “Visual Histories”, that is, pages describing and illustrating the history, trends, and common motifs in muraling and street art, e.g. Cú Chulaınn murals, the Bobby Jackson murals, Free Derry Corner, the International Wall, murals with Iron Maiden’s Eddie The Trooper, etc., etc.