Stephen Desmond McCrea

RHC volunteer Stevie McCrea (born 31.5.52, killed 18.2.89) was imprisoned for his role in the killing of 17 year-old Catholic James Kerr in a Lisburn Road garage, on the same day as the RHC bombed Benny’s Bar in Sailortown. He was killed in an IPLO attack on the Orange Cross (the Shankill Social Club). This Village mural is the second tribute to McCrea this year – see also A True Soldier Of Ulster in the lower Shankill, near the former location of the Orange Cross in Craven Street.

The text on the board reads: “Stevie was raised in The Village Area of South Belfast. He was just a young man when The Troubles started but without hesitation answered the call by joi[ni]ng the Village RHC. He soon started making a name for himself by putting himself on the front line with his brothers in arms in the RHC. These men where [sic] one of the most active units in Ulster by taking the fight the republicans. In 1972 at the height of The Troubles Stevie was sentenced to life for his part in a retaliation shooting and was imprisoned in Long Kesh. After serving 15 years with dignity and courage he was released. On the 16th February 1989 just after receiving his last pay cheque [from a transitional work scheme] he decided to join a few friends in The Orange Cross Club in the Shankill area. This would be his last drink as republican scum decided to target the Loyalist club. Stevie sacrificed himself to protect his friend by throwing himself in front of a hail of bullets. Stevie died 2 days later from his injuries in the Royal Victoria Hospital.”

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Copyright © 2019 Extramural Activity
X06870 [X06871] Kilburn St lamh dearg abu lest we forget here lies a soldier

3 thoughts on “Stephen Desmond McCrea

  1. Anonymous 2023-08-06 / 9:59 am

    Was my cousin .R.I .P. God bless you & Roy x

  2. Anonymous 2023-08-06 / 10:19 am

    It was wrong what he done but he was young, but he redeemed himself, he did save a life.

  3. Anonymous 2024-06-08 / 5:53 pm

    Stevie was taking the fight to republicans was he ? Laughable . I murdered an innocent child working in a shop . Very very brave indeed . Taking the fight LOL x LOL, absolute dreamers

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