Causeway Protestant Boys

The more familiar mythological figure in Northern Irish muraling — both CNR and PUL — is Cú Chulainn (Visual History) but this Bushmills board features another larger-than-life figure, from slightly later mythology, Fionn Mac Cumhaill/Finn MacCool. In legend, Fionn ate the salmon of knowledge and became leader of the Fianna. His connection to the north Antrim coast is that he is the supposed creator of the “Giant’s Causeway”, the basalt columns that stretch out into the Atlantic Ocean, seemingly towards Scotland.

The Causeway and Finn are both used in the board shown above as symbols of the UDA North Antrim & Londonderry brigade’s 5th battalion/Giant’s Causeway Protestant Boys flute band (Fb) in Dundarave Road, Bushmills, which is about three miles from the Causeway. The board is also notable for its use of the flag of the proposed ‘independent Northern Ireland’, for which see (e.g.) We Must Share The Responsibility | One Island, Two Nations | Freedom Corner which features Cú Chulainn.

The second image is a UDA/UYM emblem at the entrance to the estate. The third is not from Dundarave but from the exterior of a pub on Main Street.

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