Fáılte Go Dtí Rodaí Mhıc Corlaí

X14342 [T03351] [T03350]

A new “fáılte” [“welcome”] mural was painted at the Roddy’s in anticipation of the official opening of the new republican heritage centre/ıonad oıdhreachta poblachtaí (web) which took place on September 28th. Construction of the museum and the adjacent restaurant began in May 2021 with an investment of 1.35 million pounds (Belfast Live). The museum’s exhibits cover republican history from 1798 to the present, and items on display from the Society’s collection include vintage uniforms and artefacts, historic maps and documents, and prison handicrafts.

T03214 [T03207]
T03204 [T03203]

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T = Copyright © 2023 Paddy Duffy
X = Copyright © 2023 Extramural Activity

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